Webhooks are messages ( or payload ) sent from an application after the execution of an operation. They are also used to communicate between a chain of services; for example, a payment provider emits webhook events to an e-commerce application’s endpoint after a payment operation. Convoy facilitates publishing webhook events from your application to your clients by serving as a reliable egress.
In this article, we will build a Todo API in FastAPI and use Convoy to publish webhook events for each operation on our Todo items; create, update & delete.
To follow along you would need the following
- A Convoy Cloud account.
- An Outgoing Project ID & API Key.
For the sake of brevity, we created an additional resource to help with creating user endpoints, usually, users will supply this information to you via your dashboard. [2] We have also left out other aspects of the code not necessary for this guide.
API Spec
Our API looks like this:
- Endpoint
GET /endpoint GET /endpoint/:id POST /endpoint PUT /endpoint/:id DELETE /endpoint/:id
- Todo
GET /todo GET /todo/:id POST /todo PUT /todo/:id DELETE /todo/:id
Every time we create
, update
and delete
a todo item, we would generate the following events — todo.created
, todo.updated
, and todo.deleted
Let’s Build Our API
Project Setup
terminal$ mkdir fastapi-todo-convoy && cd fastapi-todo-convoy $ python3 -m venv venv $ touch .env {config,api,events}.py
Activate virtual environment
terminal$ source venv/bin/activate $ pip install fastapi uvicorn pydantic[dotenv] $ pip freeze > requirements.txt
Install Convoy:
terminal$ pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/frain-dev/convoy-python
Configure your environment variables in a
file:.envCONVOY_API_KEY=<your-api-key> CONVOY_PROJECT_ID=<your-project-id>
Define events & configuration
events.pyevents = { "ping": { "event": "ping", "description": "Webhook test from application." }, "created": { "event": "todo.created", "description": "Todo created successfully" }, "retrieved": { "event": "todo.retrieved", "description": "Todo retrieved successfully" }, "updated": { "event": "todo.updated", "description": "Todo updated successfully" }, "deleted": { "event": "todo.deleted", "description": "Todo deleted successfully" }, "failed": { "event": "todo.failure", "description": "Todo not found." } }
config.pyfrom pydantic import BaseSettings from typing import Optional class Settings(BaseSettings): CONVOY_API_KEY: Optional[str] = None CONVOY_PROJECT_ID: Optional[str] = None class Config: env_file = ".env"
Endpoints API
Start by adding the imports and a Convoy instance:
api.pyfrom convoy import Convoy from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends from events import events from config import Settings app = FastAPI() config = Settings() todos = [] convoy = Convoy({"api_key": config.CONVOY_API_KEY, "project_id": config.CONVOY_PROJECT_ID})
Add the code for the endpoints API:
api.py | Endpoints API@app.post("/endpoint", tags=["endpoint"]) async def create_endpoint(endpoint_body: dict): (endpoint, result) = convoy.endpoint.create({}, endpoint_body) return {"Endpoint ID": endpoint["data"]["uid"]} @app.get("/endpoint", tags=["endpoint"]) async def get_endpoint(): (endpoint, result) = convoy.endpoint.all({}) return endpoint @app.get("/endpoint/{endpoint_id}", tags=["endpoint"]) async def get_endpoint(endpoint_id: str): (endpoint, result) = convoy.endpoint.find(endpoint_id, {}) return endpoint @app.put("/endpoint/{endpoint_id}", tags=["endpoint"]) async def update_endpoint(endpoint_id: str, endpoint_body: dict): (endpoint, result) = convoy.endpoint.update(endpoint_id, {}, endpoint_body) return endpoint @app.delete("/endpoint/{endpoint_id}", tags=["endpoint"]) async def delete_endpoint(endpoint_id: str): (endpoint, result) = convoy.endpoint.delete(endpoint_id, {}, "") return endpoint
Add the function that publishes webhooks:
api.pydef send_webhook_event(event_type: str, endpoint: str): event = { "endpoint_id": endpoint, "event_type": event_type, "data": events[event_type] } (res, err) = convoy.event.create({}, event) return res
Todos API
api.py | Todos API@app.get("/todo", tags=["todos"]) async def get_todos(endpoint: str) -> dict: send_webhook_event("retrieved", endpoint) return { "data": todos } @app.get("/todo/{id}", tags=["todos"]) async def get_todo(id: int, endpoint: str) -> dict: for todo in todos: if todo["id"] == id: send_webhook_event("retrieved", endpoint) return todo send_webhook_event("failed", endpoint) return { "error": "Todo not found" } @app.post("/todo", tags=["todos"]) async def add_todo(todo: dict, endpoint: str) -> dict: todos.append(todo) send_webhook_event("created", endpoint) return { "data": { "Todo added." } } @app.put("/todo/{id}", tags=["todos"]) async def update_todo(id: int, body: dict, endpoint: str) -> dict: for todo in todos: if int(todo["id"]) == id: todo["item"] = body["item"] send_webhook_event("updated") return { "data": f"Todo with id {id} has been updated." } send_webhook_event("failed", endpoint) return { "data": f"Todo with id {id} not found." } @app.delete("/todo/{id}", tags=["todos"]) async def delete_todo(id: int, endpoint: str) -> dict: for todo in todos: if int(todo["id"]) == id: todos.remove(todo) send_webhook_event("deleted", endpoint) return { "data": f"Todo with id {id} has been removed." } send_webhook_event("failed", endpoint) return { "data": f"Todo with id {id} not found." }
Publish Webhook Events
It’s time to publish your first webhook!
To begin, we start our FastAPI app
terminal$ uvicorn api:app --host --port 8080 --reload
Second, we create an endpoint with the cURL command below:
terminalcurl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d ' { "name": "Todo endpoint", "description": "Endpoint for todo API.", "http_timeout": "10s", "url": "https://webhook.site/40984a4e-7b36-41fb-a234-9c2006bac8b5" }'
The API returns a successful response:
terminal{"Endpoint ID":"da6c42b5-2a51-478c-ad5e-53097c0f61cb"}
Finally, we create a Todo item, that in turn generates the webhook item. Let's use the cURL command below:
terminalcurl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "id": 1, "item": "Setup a convoy webhook project and publish my first webhook" }'
The API returns a successful response:
terminal{"data":["Todo added."]}
Let’s see our event deliveries dashboard.

Let’s also see our webhooks endpoint

- In production environments, Endpoints should be scoped to each user/business/customer or whatever makes sense in your case because at the point of generating webhooks
- Users can supply their endpoints through multiple means — your dashboard, the portal link
- In this article, we publish webhooks in our controllers, in an ideal production environment, you should publish them from your workers.
Convoy provides the ability the send webhooks to one endpoint as well as multiple endpoints. In this article, you learned how to create send webhooks from a FastAPI API. We hope you enjoyed reading this, and that you get to try it out and give us some feedback on the slack community!