Payourse is a web3 company that is on a mission to accelerate access to crypto by providing the tools and infrastructure that make it easier, faster and cheaper for people to build user-friendly crypto products. Backed by the web3 giant Celo and Y Combinator in the winter batch of 2022, with a growing customer base this team is also behind Coinprofile and Simpa.
I spoke to Hakeem Orewole, Payourse’s CTO about how things were before and how they found out about and started using Convoy.
Event Management can be hard
The notification management part of working with multiple clients and businesses that integrate Payourse products was challenging. Hakeem confirmed that sometimes it was difficult to track and fix webhook notification issues because they were usually unsure if the issues occurred on Payourse’s service or their clients’ service. Accountability, as it relates to SLAs, was sometimes not easy to enforce, as the source of some issues was not easily determined.
Portal Links to the rescue
After using Convoy for a while, and when asked to describe Convoy, Hakeem said Convoy is a Webhook (incoming and outgoing) notification manager that allows both the service provider and integrators to visualise and debug all webhook-related issues.
For the Payourse team, from one dashboard, they can now easily tell where issues relating to event delivery come from and can also debug them quickly.
“This new experience has made it possible for us to quickly find sources of errors and even help our clients to debug their own applications by sending them portal links” - Hakeem
A Portal Link generates a customer-facing dashboard to display information on an endpoint's event deliveries. The portal link serves as a medium to quickly generate portals for users to review and debug webhook events from a publisher.
What we love
Hakeem is also a Convoy evangelist, he takes his time to recommend the product to other engineers.
“Every engineering team should use Convoy, I already recommend it to engineers I know whenever I speak to them” - Hakeem
When I asked Hakeem what he loves the most about Convoy, he said Convoy does exactly what it is supposed to do which is to manage webhook notifications, he also loves portal links and how easy it was to integrate Convoy.