How do you deploy and manage your own Convoy instance to get all the benefits it offers? The getting started install guide is a good place to start and test out Convoy's features. But for when you mean business, you'll need to deploy Convoy on actual servers: on-prem or on public clouds, manage your own data, and scale your deployment as need be. Convoy can be deployed on almost all public cloud platforms, but in this blog post, you will see how you can deploy convoy on is a public cloud for running full stack applications and databases close to your users. It is designed to make it easy to deploy distributed and real-time apps, which makes it especially suitable for deploying your convoy instance and its dependencies. You can understand all related concepts or commands that we use in this post by simply following along, but if you want to get a more in-depth background understanding of how things work on Fly, you can check the documentation here.
Deploy Dependencies
You want to start out with deploying the dependencies first so that convoy can connect with them once it's deployed. To begin, you will need to install the Fly command line tool flyctl, create a account, or signin if you already own an account. Now that you're ready let's begin!
- Deploy and Configure Postgres: has an offering called "Fly Postgres", it's not the same as a managed Postgres database, it's rather another way to deploy your own self-managed Postgres DB on Fly with the benefits being that the creation process is automated, and you get some platform integration to simplify management. We'll use this option in this guide.
To create fly Postgres, run the following command on your authenticated machine:
$ fly postgres create
what follows is an interactive session where you are asked to:
Select a name for your Postgres app. An example is
, you will be asked to choose another name if an app on convoy already uses the name you have selected.Select an organization. The default organization personal is selected automatically if have not created any other organization.
Select a region where you want Postgres to run.
Select a plan. Choose a plan according to your current needs. Of course, the development plan should be preferred if you're only testing out things.
You'd be asked if you want to Scale single node pg to zero after one hour. Again, choose according to your need.
After these, the database will be deployed, copy and save your credentials as the output suggests. In a few moments, you will need to attach this Postgres deployment to your Convoy app.

- Deploy Redis:
Similar to fly Postgres, you can automatically create a Redis database on without having to manually configure and run a Redis application. But this is done only with the Fly CLI tool, so open up your terminal once again and run the command below to get started:
$ flyctl redis create
Just as with the Postgres creation terminal session, provide the desired answers to the configuration questions asked:
? Select Organization: fly-apps
? Choose a primary region (can't be changed later)
? Would you like to enable eviction?
? Optionally, choose one or more replica regions (can be changed later)
? Select an Upstash Redis plan
After your Redis database is ready, your connection URL will be printed out, copy and save this as you would need it to configure convoy later.
- Deploy Typesense
To enhance the search experience on Convoy, we suggest making use of Typesense. You can either sign up for Typesense Cloud or run your own Typesense instance. For the sake of this guide, we'll go for the latter; we would run the typesense/typesense:0.24.0
image of typesense. Unlike the Postgres and Redis databases that you deployed earlier, you will need to create a configuration file named fly.toml
in order to deploy Typesense. All apps are configured via a fly.toml
file, except the fly Postgres and Redis by Upstash databases that are automatically provisioned via the Fly CLI. But this config file also gets automatically generated when you launch an application with the flyctl launch
command, after which you can manually edit it to fit your configuration needs.
To get started deploying Typesense, launch an app with the following command and respond with No when asked if you would like to set up a Postgres database, a Redis database, or if you would like to deploy now:
$ fly launch --image typesense/typesense:0.24.0
Confirm that a fly.toml file has been created on the directory that you ran this command on.
The next step is to create a flycast IP. This step is necessary to enable internal networking between Typesense and Convoy since Typesens does not support the default internal networking on After deploying Typesense, all apps within the same organization can connect to it via a .flycast
To create the IP, run the next command on the same directory where you have your Typesene fly.toml
$ fly ips allocate-v6 --private
At this point edit your Typesense config file to match the following code:
# fly.toml
app = "typesense-for-convoy"
primary_region = "mad"
image = "typesense/typesense:0.24.0"
internal_port = 8108
TYPESENSE_DATA_DIR = "/data/typesense"
If you copied the above code, remember to change your app name from typesense-for-convoy
to what you named your Typesense app. The difference between this code and the original content of fly.toml is that you have added a mount
section to mount a volume, an env
section to declare env variables and have replaced the http_service
Now that your config file is ready, deploy Typesense by running:
$ flyctl deploy
When the deployment is done, you can confirm that you have Typesense running in the organization you deployed in on your dashboard.

Deploy Convoy
Deploy a version of Convoy. In this guide, we deploy version 23.05.1
with the image
. To start, change into a new directory, or delete the fly.toml
in your current directory. As with when you deployed Typesense, launch an app for Convoy and respond with No when asked if you would like to set up a Postgresql database, a Redis database, or if you would like to deploy now. Do that with the following command:
$ fly launch --image
Now that you have an app launched for Convoy, attach the Postgres database that you created before to this app with:
$ flyctl postgres attach --app convoy convoy-pg-data
Change convoy
to the name you have given your convoy app, and convoy-pg-data
to the name of your Postgres app.
Copy and save the new connection URL printed out from attaching your database, this is the URL you would configure Convoy with.
Edit your convoy fly.toml file to properly configure Convoy for deployment. The content should match the toml code below:
# fly.toml
app = "convoy"
primary_region = "mad"
image = ""
web = "/"
scheduler = "./cmd scheduler"
worker = "./cmd worker"
stream = "./cmd stream"
ingest = "./cmd ingest"
source = "convoy_data"
destination = "/data/convoy"
processes = ["web", "scheduler", "worker", "stream", "ingest"]
processes = ["web"]
internal_port = 5005
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
CONVOY_DB_TYPE = "postgres"
CONVOY_DB_DSN = "postgres://your-postgres-connection-url"
CONVOY_REDIS_DSN = "redis://your-redis-connection-url"
CONVOY_SEARCH_TYPE = "typesense"
CONVOY_TYPESENSE_HOST = "http://your-typesense-app.flycast"
If you have copied the code, notice that you need to change the following:
- app name from
to your own app name - CONVOY_DB_DSN value to your Postgres database connection URL
- CONVOY_REDIS_DSN value to your Redis database connection URL
to the name of your Typesense app.
Go on to change any other part of the configuration to your desired value or add more config options or sections. After these, save your file and run fly deploy
on the same directory as your config file.
If successful, your Convoy application should be live on The terminal output should include a link to visit your app, it should redirect you to the convoy login page as seen here:

Login with the credentials:
- Username: [email protected]
- Password: default
And confirm that convoy works as expected. If it does, you have successfully deployed Convoy on! Visit your dashboard to view the log outputs of the applications you have deployed.
What's Next
After successful deployment, you are ready to start sending and receiving webhook requests. Depending on your needs, you might want to scale your application or deploy to other regions closer to your customers or partners.
You might also want to explore other ways to deploy Convoy. Did you know that convoy has helm charts? You might want to try deploying with this too and give us feedback in the community concerning your experience. Lastly, if you decide to rather have Convoy manage the whole infrastructure while you focus on your core business, then you're welcome to try Convoy Cloud.